The Impact of AI on the Recruitment Industry: Everything you need to know!

There’s a lot of debate about AI at the moment. Just how intelligent will AI become? Will it take our jobs? Will it adopt the spirit of the Terminator and attempt to wipe out humanity?


If you’re looking for answers to those questions, this blog probably isn’t for you. However, if you work in recruitment and you’re intrigued to know how AI is being used by your contemporaries and impacting our industry, this blog is most definitely for you!

The truth is, Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the recruitment industry. From automating repetitive tasks to helping recruiters make better decisions, this new frontier of technology is having a major impact on how jobs are filled.

But what is AI?

Well, who better to pose that question to than AI itself?

Here is the answer he/she/it gave:

AI stands for artificial intelligence. It’s a type of computer program that can learn and make decisions on its own. AI is still in its early stages, but it’s already being used in a variety of ways, like self-driving cars and facial recognition software.

I know you might be wondering how AI works. Well, it’s all about algorithms. Algorithms are a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do. AI algorithms are trained on a lot of data, and they use that data to learn how to make decisions.

For example, an AI algorithm that’s trained on a dataset of cat images can learn to recognize cats in new images. It can do this by looking for patterns in the images, like the shape of the cat’s ears or the color of its fur.

AI is a very powerful tool, and it has the potential to change our lives in many ways. But it’s important to remember that AI is still a tool. It’s up to us to decide how we use it.

We can all sense that AI is going to have a big impact on our lives, but what about recruitment specifically?

One element that is drastically improving the lives of recruiters is how AI has transformed the resume screening process. With its help, we can now breeze through countless resumes and pinpoint the most qualified candidates in no time.

This time-saver ensures we don’t miss out on those hidden gems, eliminating what previously may have taken us hours.

Without bogging you down with a lot of details, the process starts with AI systems being somewhat trained on a set of criteria and keywords that match the job requirements.

These criteria can include specific skills, qualifications, work experience, and education levels relevant to the position.

Once the AI is trained, it can then automatically screen incoming resumes and identify those that closely match the predefined criteria.

By simply running a CV through an AI-powered system, recruiters are able to get a quick summary of the main points to determine if the candidate should be taken into further consideration.

Overall, AI-powered resume screening has streamlined the recruitment process, allowing recruiters to focus their time and attention on the most promising candidates.

By eliminating the manual and time-consuming aspects of resume screening, AI empowers recruiters to make faster, data-driven decisions and ensures that no hidden talent goes unnoticed.

Moreover, using AI to really understand a role effectively has been advantageous. Many recruiters are finding it a lot easier to speak with AI directly, asking questions to get a deeper understanding, than researching a role based on a standard Google search.

Indeed, one of the understated benefits of using AI in the recruitment process is its ability to validate and enhance a recruitment consultant’s thought process.

While AI is immensely valuable in analysing data and providing insights about job roles and candidate qualifications, it can also be a powerful tool for understanding the human element of recruitment – the motivations and aspirations that drive individuals to pursue specific roles.

Quite often, when talking about AI, many skim over the fact that it can improve the way we communicate and not necessarily degrade it.

Imagine a scenario where a recruitment consultant needs to find candidates for welding positions, such as Mig or Tig welders?

Using AI, the consultant can efficiently gather technical details and qualifications related to these roles, ensuring they have a clear understanding of the job requirements.

However, the consultant may also wonder about the motivations that prompt individuals to pursue careers in welding. This is where AI can come to the rescue.

By pressing AI to provide more insight on people’s motivations to take on roles like Mig or Tig welders, the consultant can gain deeper understanding into the personal and professional drivers that attract candidates to these positions.

AI can sift through vast amounts of data too, including job market trends, surveys, and industry reports!

This information can then be used to craft compelling narratives that resonate with potential candidates.

For instance, if AI reveals that many welders are drawn to the job due to the creative aspect of metalwork or the satisfaction of building structures, the consultant can tailor their recruitment pitch to highlight these intrinsic rewards of the role.

AI helps to uncover factors that influence candidates’ decisions when considering any given position.

Returning to the example given above, analysing data and industry patterns enables AI to reveal that Tig welders are often attracted to roles that offer more intricate and detailed work, while Mig welders are drawn to opportunities that involve speed and efficiency.

Armed with these insights, a consultant can better match candidates to suitable positions based on their preferences and strengths. Using AI to validate thought processes can also lead to better candidate interactions.

With a deeper understanding of candidates’ motivations, recruiters can engage in more meaningful conversations during interviews and explore how candidates’ personal and professional goals align with the company’s values and culture.

This approach fosters a more genuine and empathic connection, which, in turn, enhances the candidate experience and strengthens the employer brand!

So, what are some of the other benefits of using AI in recruitment?

  • Increased efficiency: AI can automate many of the time-consuming tasks involved in recruitment, such as screening resumes and scheduling interviews. This can free up recruiters to focus on more strategic activities, such as building relationships with clients and candidates.
  • Improved accuracy: AI can help recruiters make more accurate hiring decisions by analysing large amounts of data about candidates. This can help to reduce the risk of making a bad hire.
  • Enhanced personalisation: AI can be used to personalise the recruitment process for each candidate. This can help to improve the candidate experience and increase the chances of making a good hire.

The risks of using AI in recruitment

One of the biggest risks is that AI could lead to job losses for recruiters. As AI becomes more sophisticated, it is possible that some of the tasks that are currently performed by recruiters could be automated. This may lead to a decrease in the demand for human recruiters.


It’s important to view this as an opportunity for recruiters to adapt and evolve their roles. Rather than fearing job loss, recruiters can embrace AI as a powerful tool to enhance their capabilities and focus on more strategic and value-added tasks.

As we have outlined already, AI can help recruiters streamline their workflow, giving them more time to engage with candidates, build relationships, and offer personalised guidance throughout the hiring process.

And before freaking out about the future of AI, remember that it is not a substitute for the human touch when it comes to understanding complex emotions, motivations, and cultural fit.

Humans possess the ability to evaluate intangible qualities, such as soft skills and emotional intelligence, that are crucial for a successful long-term match between a candidate and a company’s culture.

By collaborating with AI, recruiters can leverage data-driven insights to make more informed decisions and improve the overall efficiency of the recruitment process. This synergy between AI and recruiters can lead to a more effective and rewarding recruitment experience for both candidates and employers.

Additionally, as new technologies emerge, they often create new roles and opportunities in various industries, including recruitment.

Nobody, not even us, can fully see into the future. The rise of AI may lead to the development of specialised roles focusing on managing and optimising AI systems, data analysis, and candidate experience.

This means that while some tasks may be automated, there will likely be a growing demand for individuals with expertise in AI implementation and management within the recruitment field.


How can we mitigate the risks of using AI in recruitment?

AI should not be used as a replacement for human judgement. Instead, it should be used as a tool to help recruiters make better decisions.

It’s a powerful tool, yes, and it can be used to help recruiters make better decisions. However, it is important to remember that AI is just that – a tool.

It can’t think for itself, and it can’t make decisions without human input. It can’t make a very good, milky brew, either.

So yes, AI can be used to help recruiters make better decisions, but it shouldn’t be used as a replacement for YOUR judgement.

Here’s the thing, AI has the potential to make good recruiters even better, but it may also make bad recruiters even worse!

Again, as we have now highlighted multiple times in this blog, AI undoubtedly has the potential to revolutionise the recruitment industry, but its impact on recruiters can be both empowering and challenging.

For skilled and adept recruiters, AI serves as a powerful ally that can amplify their capabilities, streamline processes, and elevate their overall performance.

With AI’s ability to quickly analyse vast amounts of data and provide valuable insights, smart recruiters can make more informed decisions, identify top talent efficiently, and deliver better results for their clients.

And by leveraging these tools, recruiters can free up valuable time previously spent on tedious administrative tasks like resume screening and candidate sourcing.

This allows them to redirect their focus towards building meaningful relationships with candidates and clients, providing personalised guidance, and evaluating soft skills that AI might not fully grasp.

On the other hand, the rise of this technology presents a potential pitfall for recruiters who rely too heavily on automation without understanding its limitations.

Bad recruiters may see AI as a shortcut to the recruitment process, outsourcing too much of their thinking and decision-making to algorithms. This approach risks cutting corners, overlooking essential details, and ultimately delivering subpar results to their clients.

If bad recruiters overly rely on AI’s suggestions without critically evaluating them, they may end up with ill-fitting candidates or miss out on exceptional talents that AI algorithms failed to recognise.

This not only jeopardises their clients’ recruitment success but also damages their own reputations in the industry.

Moreover, a lack of personal touch and human interaction can negatively impact the candidate experience. Job seekers value authentic connections and genuine engagement, and if bad recruiters neglect these aspects by solely relying on AI, candidates may feel undervalued and disengaged from the process.

The key to effectively harnessing the power of AI lies in striking a balance between technology and human expertise. Good recruiters understand that AI is a valuable tool, not a replacement, and they use it to complement their skills, not replace them.

They critically analyse AI-generated insights, add their own expertise and intuition, and ensure that candidates are not reduced to mere data points but are seen as unique individuals with diverse experiences and aspirations.

In conclusion, AI can indeed make good recruiters even better by optimising their efficiency and effectiveness. The strategic use of AI empowers recruiters to focus on what truly matters – building relationships, providing tailored guidance, and ensuring the right fit between candidates and organisations.

However, for bad recruiters, overreliance on AI can lead to detrimental outcomes, including poor candidate matches and compromised client relationships.

The key is for recruiters to embrace AI as a powerful ally, using it intelligently to enhance their expertise, rather than relying on it blindly and risking the erosion of their reputations in the recruitment industry.

Finally, we asked ChatGTP “why nobody likes recruiters,” which is the name of our podcast (tune in for a deeper dive into the world of Recruitment and AI).

We got the following answers:

  1. Lack of personalisation: Recruiters often send generic emails and messages that don’t take the time to get to know each candidate.
  2. Ineffective communication: Recruiters can be bad at communicating with candidates, either by not responding to their inquiries or by giving them the runaround.
  3. Mismatched job opportunities: Recruiters sometimes send candidates job opportunities that are not a good fit for their skills or experience.
  4. Pressure or misrepresentation: Recruiters can sometimes put pressure on candidates to take a job that they’re not interested in, or they can misrepresent the job to make it sound more appealing.
  5. Commission-driven focus: Some recruiters are more focused on making a commission than they are on finding the right candidate for the job.

Do you agree? We thought these answers were pretty funny, and they might (unfortunately) resonate with you!

Hopefully, AI can help to address some of these problems and make the recruitment process more efficient, accurate, and personalised.