Well, what can I say… not the typical first week in a new job!
Flip-flopping between teacher and recruiter, from adverbs to adverts, I feel like I’m learning two different roles in one go.
The guys at Logic have welcomed me in like I’ve been part of the team for years. They are so energetic and passionate about what they do it’s amazing. They have already taught me so much in a job I thought there was not much else to learn.
Logic’s values run very close to my own which I think is why I already feel so comfortable working with them. That said, the office banter flows continuously, it’s hard to keep up! I never thought that I could meet people that could out-talk me…. well, its safe to say I think I have met my matches here!
Being a working mother, Logics’ support with allowing me to teach and support my son’s learning has been remarkable. I was concerned that starting a new job in the middle of a pandemic lockdown was a risky move, but not once have I felt like I have made a mistake. They have been understanding and patient -two of their values that they practice in their recruitment methods also.

I also now have a newfound respect for teachers – how they control all those children in one go I have no idea, I struggle with one, and how my child doesn’t starve at school is beyond me! Is it wrong I have to google some of the things they are teaching? Online learning for us both is a very new thing – it’s just not the same is it?
I’m very excited to have joined such a great team at Logic. I’m really looking forward to adding value and working with very like-minded people.